Integrative Pain Management
The aim of our Integrative Pain Management clinic is to provide comprehensive, patient-centered care, where you are at the center of the team. We strive to integrate our available and appropriate health care approaches to improve your health, well-being and quality-of-life.
- Acupuncture has long been praised for its effectiveness in reducing pain. Research indicates that placing acupuncture needles at specific acupuncture points releases endorphins, which act as natural painkillers. Immune system cells and the brain’s neurotransmitters are released during acupuncture.
- Naturopathic physical medicine includes such treatments as physical manipulations, muscle-stretching, craniosacral therapy, cupping, as well as diet, herbal medicine and supplements, to help alleviate pain. Physical manipulation is an effective way to relieve muscle tension and stress. We work from the inside out feeding the body to help increase circulation, enabling better pain management.
- Mind-body medicine approaches, such as cranial sacral therapy, homeopathy, breathwork and guided imagery, have been shown to help people not only reduce pain, but learn to tolerate discomfort and minimize stress. Many people contract their muscles and hold their breath when in pain, yet this only makes pain worse. Mind-body medicine teaches you how to relax and breathe into your experience, significantly reducing your pain.
To schedule an integrative pain appointment, call (203) 255-4325.
Contact Us
Brian Henninger, N.D.
1305 Post Rd
Suite 301
Fairfield, CT 06824
Phone: 203 255-4325
Fax: 203 254-7340